Installation view
Oil Painting is a reproduction of a painting depicting the Tigris River in Baghdad by the Iraqi pioneer artist Abdul-Kader Al-Rassam (1912). The artwork reflects the period before the discovery of oil in Iraq and is intentionally covered with a thick layer of black grease oil. Plastic gloves and tools are provided for viewers to interact with the piece, turning it into a dynamic and ever-changing live painting whenever there is a viewer in the space.
Background: During the Operation "Desert Storm,” in 1991, oil fields in southern Iraq were set on fire, creating an intense, dark, smoky cloud that covered the sky of Baghdad. This led to black rain pouring over the city, resulting in white buildings being covered in a layer of black residue.
Installation: Large scale printed image / Dimensions: 205cm x 273cm / Wooden panel / Acrylic sheet / Grease oil / Black pigment / Tools / Plastic gloves.